Are you a company interested in our products?
Discover the special conditions we can offer you
A balanced composition of amino acids, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements, VVA stimulates growth of both foliage and fruit. This increase in growth activity is produced by the formula’s ability to act on the plant’s roots and growth processes, as well as on the microbiological activities of the soil.
IBC 1000 L | 20 L | 20 L (Palet (640L)) |
3,11 €/L | 4,07 €/L | 3,46 €/L |
*Are you a big farmer, garden center, nursery or distributor? We have another rate for you. See our section “Large volume and distributors”
81.40 € – 3,110.00 € IVA no incluido
Contact us for answers to your queries
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